
Karl-Heinz Paqué // Schaffen wir das?

The eternal tug of war between the ministry of transport and the ministry of the environment is legend. But if the Zeitenwende in energy policy is to succeed, it will be down to Volker Wissing and Steffi Lemke.

Frank Lassak // Oh, H2!

Hydrogen, the element with the chemical symbol H2, plays a vital role for the energy and mobility transition. While there are still open questions regarding the way hydrogen is produced and transported, experts expect it will be available as a climate-neutral energy source in many sectors from 2050.


Carsten Jäger // „Deutschland ist auf einem Sonderweg“

Hubert Kleinert, co-founder of the Green party and professor of politics in Gießen, explains why his party has much more of a problem with nuclear power than the Greens in other countries. 

Ludwig Möhring und Juliane Dickel // Zankapfel Fracking

Risks can be minimised | Part of the problem, not the solution

Karina Würtz // Freiheitsenergie vom Meer – die Ruhe vor dem Sturm?

Offshore wind farms are supposed to make the energy transition happen after all. But it is still a long way to go. Building wind farms in the sea and connecting them to power grids on land requires a lot of things that are still missing. 

Dirk Assmann // Fünf Innovationen für die Zukunft

Wir befinden uns gegenwärtig in einer Multikrise aus Krieg, COVID-Pandemie, Rezession und Klimawandel. Bei all den schlechten Nachrichten erscheint ein positiver Blick in die Zukunft manchmal schwer. Doch es gibt durchaus Grund zur Hoffnung.


Daniel Zwick // Berliner Experimente

Germany’s capital is a test lab for the mobility of the future. Not every project is worth copying, but they all have something to teach. 

Maike Rademaker und Antonia Sagast // Kommunale Klimaschützer

Private individuals and industry executives are not the only ones who can save electricity and gas. Towns all over Germany have long since begun to turn off energy guzzlers or even generate energy themselves. Here is a selection of good examples. 

Mirko Heinemann // Vom Pumpspeicher zur Gigafactory

Wir gehen fünf hartnäckige Mythen auf den Grund.


Karl-Heinz Paqué // Schaffen wir das?

The eternal tug of war between the ministry of transport and the ministry of the environment is legend. But if the Zeitenwende in energy policy is to succeed, it will be down to Volker Wissing and Steffi Lemke.

Frank Lassak // Oh, H2!

Hydrogen, the element with the chemical symbol H2, plays a vital role for the energy and mobility transition. While there are still open questions regarding the way hydrogen is produced and transported, experts expect it will be available as a climate-neutral energy source in many sectors from 2050.


Carsten Jäger // „Deutschland ist auf einem Sonderweg“

Hubert Kleinert, co-founder of the Green party and professor of politics in Gießen, explains why his party has much more of a problem with nuclear power than the Greens in other countries. 

Dirk Assmann // Fünf Innovationen für die Zukunft

Wir befinden uns gegenwärtig in einer Multikrise aus Krieg, COVID-Pandemie, Rezession und Klimawandel. Bei all den schlechten Nachrichten erscheint ein positiver Blick in die Zukunft manchmal schwer. Doch es gibt durchaus Grund zur Hoffnung.

Ludwig Möhring und Juliane Dickel // Zankapfel Fracking

Risks can be minimised | Part of the problem, not the solution

Karina Würtz // Freiheitsenergie vom Meer – die Ruhe vor dem Sturm?

Offshore wind farms are supposed to make the energy transition happen after all. But it is still a long way to go. Building wind farms in the sea and connecting them to power grids on land requires a lot of things that are still missing. 


Daniel Zwick // Berliner Experimente

Germany’s capital is a test lab for the mobility of the future. Not every project is worth copying, but they all have something to teach. 

Maike Rademaker und Antonia Sagast // Kommunale Klimaschützer

Private individuals and industry executives are not the only ones who can save electricity and gas. Towns all over Germany have long since begun to turn off energy guzzlers or even generate energy themselves. Here is a selection of good examples. 

Mirko Heinemann // Vom Pumpspeicher zur Gigafactory

Wir gehen fünf hartnäckige Mythen auf den Grund.

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